A great putting game

The myth of simple golf swing school.You see, when you complete The Putting Game Improvement Program you’ll be able to easily maintain a great putting game where you know in advance that you’re going to hit a great putt. So you’ll have great confidence in your putting game. But the extra advice I share with you in the monthly lessons will help you to improve your putting game even more!
Now when you join this online golf school today you’ll be asked to rank the following four games from the weakest to strongest:

And after you’ve finished the core part of The Putting Game Improvement Program the next weakest game that you selected when you joined will open up. For example, if you selected The Long Game as your next weakest part of your golf game then that improvement program will automatically open up after you’ve completed The Putting Game Improvement Program.
So you can then maintain what you’ve done to improve your putting game and set about doing the same improvement with your long game.
You see, this online golf school focuses on turning your weaknesses into strengths. And by working on improving your weaknesses you’ll naturally lower your scores….FAST!
So how much is it?
Well, to attend a regular off-line Top 25 School in the USA for 3 days is going to cost you on average $1,108. And that price does not include travel, accommodation, food costs etc.
To get a set of just 4 lessons with a reasonable golf teacher is going to cost you around $300. All this without a guarantee that you’ll get any better.
But right now, for a limited time, you can join the online consistent golf school for just $17 for the first month. Then it’s just $17 per month to remain a student.
And when I say that for a limited time you can join for just $17, I mean that because I have students right now who are paying $37 per month. So even when the price goes up to $37 per month you’ll pay just $17 per month as long as you remain a student and lock in your place now.
Plus you don’t have any traveling costs (apart from going to the range when you want). You don’t have any hassles of getting to the golf school. You don’t have to spend hour upon hour practicing. You practice when and where you want. And obviously it’s a lot cheaper than a normal off-line golf school.
But the real beauty with this online golf school is that you only pay for results, because…

Your 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

When you join the online Consistent Golf School now you get a full 60 day money back guarantee. If you’re not happy with it for any reason then within 60 days of joining you can get 100% of your money back — without any hassles.
YES!…you have 60 days to try out the new lessons that you’ll be getting on a weekly basis and if you don’t improve or think you will improve then simply get your money back. But if you do improve, naturally you will want to remain a student. But you only need to do this as long as you’re improving and benefiting from being a student of this online Consistent Golf School. That is why I say…“you’ll only pay if you improve™”.
So what sounds better to you….paying $1,108 to enroll in a golf school…with NO guarantee you’ll improve, paying for your travel (if you have to), accommodation etc., being told what to practice, when and for how long.
Joining this online Consistent Golf School for just $17….focusing on the weakest part of your golf game first, getting one, simple, new thing each week to practice, practicing when and where you want and only paying if you improve™.
Obviously it’s a no-brainer. And the best bit is that you can start right now. You don’t have to wait for a golf school to start.
So as you’re sitting there reading this, imagine you’ve created a consistent putting stroke and now you start holing all of those short easy putts you’ve been missing. And imagine yourself rolling all of your putts close to the hole from any distance…and if you miss you only have a simple tap-in left.
Now picture in your minds eye holing more first putts than you ever have in your life. Picture the expressions on your playing partners faces when you start holing putt after putt like you never have before. And now imagine how much confidence you’ll have when you become the great putter you’ve always dreamed of becoming.
Sound good?
I’m sure it does…and this new putting reality can begin for you just in a few moments from now by clicking the big ‘Add To Cart’ button below.
But please understand this…what I’ve just told you about with the putting game improvement program is going to help you to build a great putting game over the coming weeks. But I imagine if you’re like most golfers you want to….Improve Your Putting Game NOW!
Also, you’re going to have problems that relate to the other games of golf, i.e. long game, short game, mental game, that you want help with NOW.
Well, you’ll be pleased to know that’s sorted as well. Because when you join the online Consistent Golf School now you’ll also receive the following bonuses:
New Student Bonus #1: The Problems And Solutions Database
As a student of the online Consistent Golf School you’ll have full access to a BIG database that will quickly give you the solution to virtually any golfing problem you’re having.

Screenshot Of What You'll See In The Students Only Area
You see, this database contains 412 (and growing) answers to golfers problems. And these solutions are arranged in a very logical order so you’re bound to find the solution to practically any golfing problem you’re ever going to get, and fast. Here is a sample of just some of the problems you’ll get solutions to when you become a student today…
Problem – I seem to jerk the club away instead of taking it away smoothly and this happens with all my clubs. Do you have any techniques, which will fix this?
Problem – What should my shoulders and hips be doing in my backswing so I get the most power possible?
Problem – I’m missing too many easy three footers and my confidence is diminishing with each miss. Please tell me what I can do to improve my short putting confidence?
Problem – I am lacking in feel and distance control around the greens. What can I do to improve my touch?
Problem – When I’m in between clubs I don’t know whether I should swing easier with more club or swing harder with less club. What do you think?
Valued At $97
New Student Bonus #2: Free Help And Support From A Golf Professional
Naturally the problems and solutions database is huge value. But sometimes you’ll just want to get some personal advice about your current problem. And as a student of the Consistent Golf School if you have any golfing questions or problems simply send them in and you’ll get a response back from me personally (Jeff Richmond) within 24-48 hours (generally sooner) Monday-Friday.
Valued At $50 Per Month
New Student Bonus #3: One Free Video Lesson Per Month

When you join the online Consistent Golf School now you’ll get one free video lesson to redeem when you want per month. So simply send me your swing on video (full instructions on what you need to do for this are in the student only website) and I will analyze your swing and send you back advice and a plan on what are the main things you need to work on improving.
Valued At $50 Per Month
New Student Bonus #4: The Slice Cure – 17 Days To Turn Your Slice Into A Powerful Draw…Gaining You 17 Yards More Distance
Slicing the ball sucks. It costs you distance, golf balls and your score. But now with this proven 17 day program you can cure your slice once and for all. When you get this program you’ll discover…
  • How to grip the club to help you fix your slice fast.
  • How to position your front foot to encourage a draw instead of a slice.
  • The distance you need to stand from the ball to help encourage a draw.
  • The total setup needed to eliminate a slice for good.
  • The best drills to help you approach the ball from the inside.
  • The best drills to help you contact the ball with a slightly closed clubface so you’ll hit a powerful, professional looking draw.
  • How to check your equipment to make sure it encourages a draw instead of a slice.
  • Plus much, much more!

Here’s what some golfers who have been through this program have had to say:
“This program has helped me to not only fix my slice but make much more solid contact with the ball. This has added at least 10-15 yards to my shots. Also, my scoring has gone down by 5 to 7 shots. I have tried a lot of things to fix my slice but nothing has worked. So the thing I liked the best about this program is that it worked!! I am now enjoying my golf more and I am starting to win a few prizes which never happened before. Keep up the good work!”
Randy Tucker, Illinois, USA
“After working through this program my ball flight now is straight with a little draw at the end. This is a B-I-G improvement from my previous slice ball flight. The instructions were very easy to follow and understand. My drives are now a good 20 – 25 yards longer thanks to this program. I have tried numerous other things but this is the only thing that has worked. I’m lucky to have found it. Thanks!”
Mark Benson, North Carolina, USA
“This program has helped me to contact the ball consistently with a square and sometimes a closed clubface. Before starting this program I had a nice slice that used to get me in trouble. But now I am confident the ball is either going to go straight or curve to the left a little at the end getting me some much needed extra run. I enjoy playing golf more after completing this program and I return to it often for a refresher. As a result my scores are dropping week by week and that’s fun.”
Tom White, Missouri, USA
Valued At $47
New Student Bonus #5: 7 Days To 30 More Yards
What golfer wouldn’t want 30 more yards? Well, in this great ebook you’ll get 3 elements that you need to focus on for 7 days to do exactly that. In the first element you’ll pick up 5 – 10 yards. In the 2nd element you’ll gain up to 22 yards in distance. That’s backed by scientific proof too! Then in the 3rd element you’ll pick up 5 – 10 yards. This is all possible within 7 days and only when you get and apply the information in this ebook. Here’s some little snippets of what you’ll learn in this program…
  • How one little change in your setup can add yards to your golf drives
  • The 3 things in your backswing you must focus on for longer drives
  • How to start your downswing for explosive power
  • The one move in your golf swing that you’re probably making that will be robbing you of at least 10 yards of distance
  • How to cure a slice so you can gain back the distance your slice is costing you
  • The secret move you must make in the downswing for the most power possible at impact
Here’s some results golfers have received with this program:
“This plan for longer drives was very logical and well thought out. As a result from following the suggestions contained I have picked up 20 yards in extra distance. I have not implemented all the suggestions to date so hope to pick up a further 10 yards when I do. I cannot recommend this plan high enough. It was the distance breakthrough that I have been looking for. Thank you.”
Fred Marksman, Arizona, USA
“I followed the plan outlined in this program for a good 30 days and consequently gained at least 15 yards distance. I didn’t implement all of the suggestions but I am pretty happy with the outcome!”
Don Hensby, New York, USA
Valued At $47
New Student Bonus #6: How To Fix Your Swing Plane
There’s a damn good chance that your swing plane is the exact opposite of what it should be to hit great golf shots – consistently. But now in this 3 step How To Fix Your Swing Plane program you will discover how you can have the swing plane of a top PGA Tour pro. Here’s what one golfer had to say after completing this program:
“I went out last weekend and played my first round of golf since getting the program and following it and I really smoked the ball. I am so happy to say I shot an 84. I typically don’t break 100!
My golf game has dramatically improved by hitting the ball much farther and with much more accuracy. The information you supplied me has changed my game completely.
I now believe that I have the swing and confidence to play in local tournament here. Thanks so much for the help.”
Chris Robertson, AZ, USA
Valued At $47
New Student Bonus #7: Two New Product Reviews Per Month
On the 1st and 15th of each month you’re going to receive a new product review. You see, I’m constantly reading and researching other golf products to not only keep learning and improving my knowledge and skills but to also see if these products are worth you buying. And if they’re not I let you know in no uncertain terms so you won’t waste your money.
Here’s a very small sample of the types of reviews you’ll be getting twice a month when you signup to the online Consistent Golf School….
