The myth of simple golf swing school improvement program

Well, you can achieve similar results as well when you start following and applying what I teach in…
The myth of simple golf swing school 
The Putting Game Improvement Program
And when you follow this program you’ll…
  •      Have confidence over your short putts so you hole them with ease
  •     Quickly and easily read the greens so you know the best line and speed your ball needs to travel on to go in the hole
  •     You’ll be able to lag long putts consistently close to the hole leaving easy tap-ins
  •      Be in control of your putting stroke
  •      Get respect from your playing partners for your great putting
  •      Stop 3 putting
  •      Have more 1 putt greens
  •      Build a consistent, rock-solid putting stroke that performs well under pressure
  •      You’ll get all of these results with my step-by-step putting improvement program, and here’s how you’ll do this….
  •      You’ll learn the most natural and simplest method available, to a repeating putting stroke so you have great putting consistency.
  •      How to practice your stroke at home for the best results on the golf course.
  •      Discover the setup needed for a great putting game, and all of this can (should) be done at home.
  •      Find out the first, most important element needed for you to become a great putter. And it’s not a mechanical issue, but rather an attitude that all      great putters have. You’ll learn that attitude they have and make it a habit so you’ll believe you’re a great putter.
  •      You’ll get instructions and an online calculator that will help you to work out the perfect length and lie of putter that you should have to have the      most chance of holing every putt.
  •      Find out in full detail how to grip a putter to give you consistent putting results.
  •      How to get the putter face to be square to where you want the ball to start so you can start your ball on the line you want, enabling you to hole          more short putts.
  •      Where to position the ball so the ball is launched at the best angle to help it go in the hole…yes the ball should be launched off the putter face at a      specific angle…and you’ll find out what that angle is.
  •      How far apart exactly your feet should be for great, stable putting.
  •      The percentage of weight that should be on your front foot for great putting.
  •      How to setup so your eyes are directly over the ball every single time.
  •      How to setup the same way every single time to give yourself the most chance of holing every putt you face.
  •      How to build internal confidence so that you believe with everything you have that you are a great putter no matter what. This is what great              putters believe and that’s why if they miss a few putts they still have confidence.
  •      How you can use counting to have amazing putting consistency just like the great putters have.
  •      What questions to ask yourself before every putt to give your ball the most chance of going in the hole.
  •      How to power your putts so the ball goes the exact distance you want with consistency, leaving yourself easy tap-ins.
  •      How to practice your putting path and putterface alignment so your ball starts on the line you want, every single time.
  •      How to learn to accelerate through your putts without actually trying to do it. It’s cool and simple.
  •      The best tempo to help you have a consistent, stable stroke all the time. It’s the specific tempo the best golfers in the world use and you’ll learn        how to practice it.
  •      Find out how to practice contacting the ball on the center of the clubface every single time so you can control the distance of your putts with            great      precision. This is critical.
  •     How to have a great, automatic putting stroke that works under pressure.
  •     One question to ask yourself that will help you to become a great green reader.
  •     Get 28 great putting drills and games you can use on the practice putting green to help you become a great putter on the golf course. These are the     drills the pro’s use. They will help you to build up great distance control and short putting confidence.
  •     Get a PDF with all the putting drills so you can print them out and take them to the golf course with you.
Just imagine…getting this putting improvement program now, learning one new thing after another and massively improving your putting, which will result in you…
  • Impressing your playing partners with your new found putting skills.
  • Being confident over your short putts that the ball is going in the hole.
  • Having confidence over your long putts that the ball is going to go either in the hole or finish close so you have an easy tap in
And your scores will be a lot lower. You’ll enjoy playing golf more and feel peaceful and confident when on the greens.
How good are you going to feel when people start to refer to you as a great putter?!
The myth of simple golf swing school improvement program.Well, my program is the only one that is going to show you all 13 things you need to become a great putter, and how to put them together so you can actually become the great putter you deserve to be.  But this program is only available as part of the online Consistent Golf School. So when you join the online Consistent Golf School today you’ll get one new putting game lesson each week so you can start improving straight away and keep on improving.
During each new putting lesson you’ll be instructed to do a few simple things, and the instructions will include text, photos, audio and video (where necessary) so you’ll know exactly what you should be doing. For example, in the first lesson that you’ll get straight away when you join this online golf school you’ll…
  • Find out the very first thing you must do to ever have any chance of becoming a great putter.
  • Get all the instructions you need along with a…
“special online, putter fitting calculator”
….that you put your numbers into to find out the correct lie angle and length of putter YOUshould have.
  • Find out exactly what you should do to improve your relaxation, visualization and concentration skills all at the same time, which can only help to improve your putting..
This will save you money because you won’t need to go to a club fitter to get this done. Also, you’ll save money and time because you’ll know the specs you need in a putter. So you won’t have to try one putter after another hoping to find one that suits you.

“When I set up over the putt I feel confident that I have the proper grip, set up and ball position. This frees my mind to think about line and distance without the apprehension my grip or ball position is wrong.
The written instructions backed up with pictures and video make the procedures clear and easily understood.
By repeating the tasks over and over I know what I am going to do on the green and do it the same each time. I do not try something different every time I miss a putt.
I haven’t had more than 36 putts in a round. Before I would get 38-42 putts in a round. A 20 foot putt used to be an automatic 3 putt in my mind. Now I feel I can get down in 2 or less. I now set up and putt faster because I don’t do it different each time.
The details you provide leave no doubt as how to proceed.
Before this putting improvement program I would have a round about every 10 where I would have 40 or more putts. For more than 30 rounds my highest is 35. This has made golf less stressful and more enjoyable. I do enjoy playing more as I do not have the embarrassment of 40 – 42 putts with 7 or more 3 putts in a round.”
Bob Gibbs, California, USA
  • Then 7 days after you’ve received the first lesson you’ll then get the second lesson, in which you’ll….
  • Find out how to form a repeating putting grip putt after putt, which obviously can only lead to better and more consistent putting results.
  • Discover how to accurately aim your putterface to where you want your ball to start, which will only improve your putting results.
Then 7 days after that lesson you’ll receive a lesson on how to position the ball perfectly in your stance putt after putt. Plus you’re going to find out the alignment you need to putt consistently to the best of your ability.
Because of the weekly lesson nature of this program you get the instructions you need to improve your putting game in a convenient, easily digestible format.
And I could give you a full run down on what each lesson is going to cover, but I’m not going to do that here because, to be honest, it’s not that critical what you’ll be learning in each lesson. But it’s more important whether you’re improving or not from following the instructions.
The bottom line is that if you’re not improving by following the lessons in this online golf school then you shouldn’t pay….and you won’t….you’ll only pay if you improve!™
Sound fair?
OK, let me explain how this works…
Every seven days that you’re a student of the online Consistent Golf School you’ll get a new lesson that will build on the previous lesson. So all you have to do is follow and focus exclusively on improving your putting game until it’s at a level you’re happy with…considering the time and effort you want to put into it. Then once your putting game is at a level you’re happy with then simply follow a maintenance plan that I’ll give you to keep your putting game at that level.
Then once a month you’re going to receive one new lesson to help you to continue to improve your putting game. Because you should always be looking to improve. And in those new monthly lessons you’ll learn new things like….
  • How to prepare before a game of golf so you putt your best.
  • Different putting grips explored.
  • Whether you should charge or die your putts.
  • The perfect putting state of mind.
  • Plus much, much more.