Tour Striker Golf Training Club

The myth of simple golf swing school.Also Golf’s MVP guarantees to add distance to your drives and lower your scores! Sounds great but will this training aid live up to the hype. Read my review to find out.
Tour Striker Golf Training Club

Put your swing perfectly on plane and in-the-slot
    train delayed release of your hands for more powerful,
      solid shots    increase lag for maximum velocity at impact    
         give immediate feedback for rapid improvement 


This training club claims to be the first club that teaches you the tour player´s secret to ball striking. It promises to help you…
  • develop more lag,
  • increase club head speed, and
  • tour quality impact just by practicing with the Tour Striker.
Read my review to see if it will do this OR not.
This training aid claims to…

    * Increases Clubhead Speed
    * Develops Proper sequencing
    * Eliminates casting or throw
    * Increases lag
    * Improves Balance
    * Improves angle of approach
    * Improves center-face contact
    * Increases the ability to pinch a ball off a tight surface
    * Promotes a full finish
That’s a lot of claims. Read my review to see if it lives up to any of these claims or not.
Monthly Product Reviews Valued At $20 Per Month
Also, every 7 days for the first 12 weeks that you remain a member of the online Consistent Golf School you’ll get the following bonuses:
Week 1 Bonus: Top Secret Golfing Confidence Audio
When you join the online Consistent Golf School now you’ll also be able to download FREE (in 7 days from now) the digital version (i.e. you can download it to your computer)of a golfing confidence CD that has been sold for $24.95.
This audio exposes you to a secret mental technique that some of the top professional golfers in the world have used to automatically program their minds for golfing success. After 30 days of continuous listening to this audio this is what you can expect….
This audio has been sold as a CD for $24.95 and has been used by thousands of golfers all around the world. But this digital audio (2 mp3′s) is yours FREEwhen you join the online Consistent Golf School now. And here’s just one comment from a golfer who has listened to this audio…
# Improved confidence and concentration on the golf course.
# Makes golf easier and more fun.
# Helps to eliminate fear when playing any shot.
# It will save you practice time because you can have the audio playing in the background and be doing what you normally would, while your golf game is being improved
“My handicap has slipped out from a 12 to a 18 over the last 6 months or so. It was all a mental thing. I started listening to this audio and my old confidence started coming back as if by magic. Within a couple of months of having this audio playing my golf game has improved so much I’m back to where I was 6 months ago. I can’t believe it! When you hear people say that golf is 90% mental they’re right!”
Ted Baxter, California, USA
Valued At $24.95
Week 2 Bonus: The Short Game Report: What You Need To Focus On To Up And Down It Much More Often
This is similar to bonus #5, but different and complimentary because in this report you’ll learn every major thing that you need to focus on improving so you can up and down it much more often. For example, in this report you’ll discover…

  • The 3 things you need to have a great short game.
  • What the very first thing is you need to focus on to master the short game.
  • Where you should grip the club for chip and pitch shots for more short game success.
  • Two things that should be present at the end of each short game swing to help ensure a great shot.
  • The simple setup changes you must make to play successful bunker shots.
  • Plus, much, much more!

Valued At $27
Week 3 Bonus: The One-Putt Mindset Training Module
When you join the online Consistent Golf School now, you’ll also receive a special, 9 minute, mental training session designed to give you the One-Putt Mindset. And you can do this mental training session right at your computer.
When you use this training module you’ll be programming your mind to hole your first putt, which naturally will help you to lower your scores. Plus when you use this training module you’ll discover it’s the easiest thing you’ve ever done to improve your putting….because you can do it with your eyes closed!
Valued At $14.95
Week 4 Bonus: Hitting The Driver Made Easy
It’s no secret that most golfers struggle to get full benefit out of the longest and most powerful golf club in their bag. But hitting the driver consistently long and straight is not as hard as you may think. Especially when you join now and get this new ebook called “Hitting The Driver Made Easy”. Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover in this ebook:
Here’s what a golfer had to say after reading and applying this information…

  • The most important aspect of a driver that will affect your performance. (see page 4)
  • How to choose the correct loft for a driver that will help you to get maximum distance for your swing speed. (see pages 6 & 7)
  • What specifically you should do when teeing the ball up to massively increase your chances of a              great drive. (see page 9 for this)
  • The grip you should use for long, booming drives. (see pages 10 & 11 for full details on this)
  • What you should be doing when taking the club away to guarantee longer and straighter drives (see          pages 15 & 16)

“My driver was causing me fits so I quickly read this book upon joining. After applying just one of the suggestions in this book my driving improved dramatically. I picked up a good 10 yards and my drives are so much straighter now. Thanks!”
Don Bright, Texas, USA
Valued At $19.95
Week 5 Bonus: How To Get Out Of Bunkers First Time Every Time And…Close To The Hole!
If you struggle to get the ball out of bunkers and close to the hole then this ebook is quickly going to become a favourite with you. When you read this ebook you’re going to discover exactly what you need to do so you can become a great bunker player. Here’s what one student of mine had to say after reading and applying the instructions in this ebook:
“I used to be scared when I saw my ball in a bunker but after reading this book and practicing the instructions in it my confidence out of bunkers has increased 10 fold. I can now get out of bunkers every single time without any problems whereas before I was lucky to get the ball out of the bunker on the first try. Now whenever I see my ball in the bunker I’m not afraid about what will happen. In fact, I actually now enjoy the challenge of trying to get my bunker shots close to the hole. The last time I played I got a 20 yard bunker shot to within 3 feet of the cup! The help in this book has made me enjoy playing golf a lot more. Thank you!”
Jeff Bryant, Texas, USA
Valued At $27
Week 6 Bonus: The Long Game Report: What You Need To Focus On To Become A Consistent Ball Striker
In this report you’ll find out everything you need to focus on to become a consistent ball striker and it’s all backed up with proof from PGA Tour players. After reading this report you’ll discover…

  • Where you need to position the ball to become a consistent ball striker.
  • What you must do in the backswing to hit the golf ball as long as possible.
  • The real power side in your golf swing.
  • What exactly should happen in your swing during the transition, downswing and at          impact.
  • One thing that happens in the follow-through that should not happen at any other            point in your swing.
  • Why trying to swing with rhythm and timing is wrong.
  • The important aspects of equipment and what to check and adjust specifically to fit you.
  •  Plus, much, much more!
Valued At $27
Week 7 Bonus:Short Game Secrets – How To Get It Up-And-Down Consistently
If you want to get up and down more, whether you’re chipping, pitching or playing a bunker shot then you’re going to love this ebook. Because in it you’re going to discover….

  • How to keep your wrists firm as you’re chipping.
  • One of the best ways to improve your chipping accuracy.
  • How to hit your pitch shots the exact distance you want them to go.
  • The best drill to help you hit the ball first when pitching and chipping.
  • The biggest reason golfers struggle out of bunkers, along with the best solution.
  • Plus much, much more.
Read what this golfer had to say about this ebook:
“I used to stub my chips all the time and I have tried a lot of different tips and drills without any solution. But when I tried your drills that I’ve never seen before I was cured! This has taken off at least 5 shots per round from my scores because I would always stub about that many every game. Not any longer! I’m actually enjoying chipping now!”
Jeff Cook, California, USA
Valued At $19.95
Week 8 Bonus: The Putting Game Report: What To Focus On To Become A Great Putter
In this report you’ll find out everything you need to focus on to become a great putter. After reading this report you’ll discover…

  • The putting success formula.
  • The very first thing you need to focus on to become a great putter.
  • What the two most important aspects of any putter you choose are.
  • What you must do with your grip to improve your consistency.
  • What you must do when you’re walking up to the ball to help you hole more putts.
  • The only place where you should practice your putting mechanics.
  • Why all putting strokes should take the same amount of time — regardless of the length of putt.
  • The first thing you should do to improve your green reading.
  • Plus much, much more.
Valued At $27
Week 9 Bonus: How To Stop 3 Putting
There’s no doubt about it….3 putting is one of the most frustrating parts of golf because every time you do it you’ve wasted at least one shot.
Just imagine if you stopped 3 putting. How many shots will you save when you do that?
Well, in this ebook you’re going to learn…
    * The crucial things you need to work on to stop 3 putting for good.
    * How to improve your lag putting.
    * How to hole more short putts with confidence.
    * How to read greens like a book.
    * The simple technique to predict how fast (or slow) a putt will be.
    * Plus much, much more!
“Every game I would have 5 – 6 three putts. It was killing me! I tried a lot of things to fix this without success. I read this report with a lot of skepticism but I tried some of the suggestions out of desperation. Before long my 3 putts started getting less and just yesterday I had a round without a 3 putt. I am over the moon! Thanks for putting this report together. The advice was simple, to the point and most importantly….worked!!!!”
John Baker, Oregon, USA
Valued At $19.95
Week 10 Bonus: How To Take Your Practice Game To The Course
If you can play great golf shots when you’re practicing but struggle to take it to the golf course then this book is going to be a great asset for you, because when you read it you’ll find out….

  • What you must do the night before a game of golf to give yourself the best chance of success.
  • The 2 important things you should do as you’re driving to the golf course to almost guarantee a good round.
  • A checklist of what to do before and during the first tee shot to help you get off the first tee successfully.
  • 9 things you can do between your shots to help take shots off your scores.
  • The 6 things you should do after each game to help improve the next time you play.
  • Plus tons more!

“I would always hit it great on the range but on the course it all went wrong. It was very disappointing to know I could hit it so good but not on the golf course. I was searching for a solution when I received this book as being a student. I diligently applied a lot of the suggestions and almost immediately my range form arrived on the golf course. This has been a life saver for me!”
Jim Burt, Florida, USA
Valued At $29.95
Week 11 Bonus: How You Can Play Better Golf Using Self-Hypnosis
If you’ve been frustrated by not being able to repeat your great golf shots then you’ve got to read this eBook. Because when you do you’ll discover…
How to be focused yet relaxed at the same time when you’re swinging.
How fears like missing a putt can be kept in control.
How to conquer conscious fear when you’re faced with tough shots. How to swing automatically with your subconscious mind.
How you’ve used self-hypnosis almost every day without even knowing it! And how to use it to improve your golf game quickly and easily.
Plus tons more!
Valued At $29.95
Week 12 Bonus: Anger Management MP3
We all suffer with anger on the golf course from time to time and some golfers more than others. :-) Either way, you need to know how to manage your anger so it doesn’t ruin your golf game.
And this bonus will help you do exactly that by programming your mind to handle anger in the best way possible so you score lower than you would have otherwise. I recommend that you listen to it once a day for at least 14 days, and then monitor your results on the course.
Valued At $19.95
Is that some golf improvement package or what?!
And I’ve even left some things out that you’re going to get as soon as you become a student of the online Consistent Golf School. You see, I believe in over-delivering. But all that I’ve told you about on this page is worth $545.75.
You get all of that (and more) for free simply by joining the online Consistent Golf School for just $17 per month!
How can I offer all of this to you so cheap?
Simply because unlike a regular off-line golf school I don’t have the huge overhead costs that they do. Everything I give you in this online golf school is digital, which naturally means our operating costs are much less than a traditional golf school….so I can pass the savings onto you!
Also, I want to help as many golfers as possible to play the best golf of their life so I’m willing to let anyone serious about becoming a consistent golfer put my lessons to the test for just $17 per month.
So to do this simply click here to start your 60 day risk free enrolment now. And if at anytime during the first 60 days you don’t think my lessons will help you to become a better and more consistent golfer then simply email:jeff@consistentgolf.comtelling me you want to cancel and get a refund and you’ll be 100% refunded — with no hassles or hard feelings.
So effectively you’ve tested this for free. Plus, you can keep all the bonuses worth $545.75 as my way of thanking you for giving this a try.
But hopefully as a new student you’ll quickly see that you’ve finally found the complete solution to your consistency problems. One that you’ll stick with until you’re the golfer you want to be…and you’ll remain a student of mine for just $17 per month as long as you keep on improving.
Because if I can show you how to start improving your golf game and keep on improving it you’d be silly not to remain a student, right?
If on the other hand, you don’t improve then I don’t deserve your money and I want you to cancel your enrolment. And by the way, you can cancel your enrolment at anytime, for any reason by simply sending an email to:jeff@consistentgolf.comtelling me you want to do this. When your enrolment has been canceled you’ll be emailed a confirmation of the cancellation.
Sound fair?
Now obviously by making this so cheap, risk free and giving so much away for free, straight away I’m taking all the risk from you and putting it back on me.
But please be aware this is just a marketing test, because if I find my generosity is being abused then I’ll simply reduce the new student bonuses and change the payment structure of this online golf school back to a more realistic one of say…$37 per month (which students are paying right now for this anyway) or make this a year long membership type of deal for say $420 per year. Which is still well under half the price of a regular 3 day golf school.
And that change in pricing could be tomorrow, in 10 days time, a month or 3 months from now….I don’t know, I’m just going to see how this goes for a bit and then I’ll reasses as things go along.
But when you start your 60 day risk free enrolment now you’re guaranteed to get all the 16 new student bonuses I outlined above worth $545.75. PLUS, you’ll also be guaranteed to only pay $17 per month for as long as you remain a student…even if I do put up the price back up to $37 per month or do the year long membership idea.
So now you know all of this, clearly you have no risk and everything to gain by taking action now and clicking here to start your 60 day risk free enrolment now.
Because #fff today, and exercises indoors at home, that will help you to start to build your own tour quality putting game that will allow you hole putt after putt from anywhere. But if you’ve got any questions about this online golf school send them through to me at:jeff@consistentgolf.comand you’ll get an answer back very quickly.
Finally, I look forward to helping you to become the best golfer you’ve dreamed about and fulfilling your potential so you’ll have more fun and enjoyment playing golf. To do this simply get out your credit card now and click theAdd To Cart button below and process your order securely through
Important Note: ClickBank handles the processing of the credit cards (or PayPal) for me – they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digital products. And to stop being a student at some point, then you can go to them rather than me (if you prefer) to cancel your subscription and they’ll do it very quickly for you.
Once you’ve successfully completed your order you’ll then be transferred to a secret page where you customize this golf school just for you, i.e. choosing the weakest part of your golf game that you want to focus on next etc. All this within 5 minutes from now. So to become a consistent golfer click here to join the online Consistent Golf School.
And remember, you have 60 days to check this out to make sure it’s everything I say it is otherwise you can get a 100% refund with no hassles.
But if you don’t join now you’ll probably always have consistency problems and you’ll never play golf to the level you hope or think you’re capable of. You’ll always feel frustrated with your putting game.
Don’t let that happen to YOU!
Enough is enough.
You need to start to learn right now how to become a great putter.  Because you need to stop missing easy short putts that make you look like an idiot.  You need to stop 3 putting.  You need to stop hitting putts on completely the wrong line leaving yourself with hard 2nd putts.   You need to stop the inconsistency and lack of confidence you have when you putt.
You need to learn how to putt with confidence.  You need to be confident standing over each putt that the ball is going to go in the hole.  And if it misses you’re going to have an easy tap-in.    You need to hole short putts with confidence. You need people to comment on what a great putter you are and get respect and admiration from your playing partners…not looked at like some type of idiot when you’re putting.
And you need to start to get these results right now!
Because the longer you go without figuring out a solution to your putting problems you’ll always score higher than you should.   You’ll always be frustrated, and feel embarrassed at your bad putting game.
I know what it’s like to suffer from bad putting.  And I know what it’s like to come out the other side and become a great putter.  I can tell you that it’s an awesome feeling when you can hole short putts with confidence.  It’s a great feeling when you’re confident  you’re going to get your long putts close to the hole.  It’s a great feeling when you know how to read the greens and the line your ball needs to start on so it will finish near the hole.
It’s a great feeling when you get people asking you how you became such a great putter.  Not to mention the lower scores that come from becoming a great putter.
So just imagine how much better you’d feel when you’ve built a great, consistent putting game that people give you compliments about.
Well, that will never happen unless you take action and create better habits. And now for a tiny $17 per month you could become the consistent golfer you’ve always dreamed of.
Take action now and click here to secure your spot before someone else does!
You could keep doing what you’re doing but as you know, you’ll get the same results.
Now for such a low price of 17 bucks you could start to build your own tour quality putting game – 100% guaranteed. Plus you get my help 100% FREE! That’s crazy value for you!
Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to take action – do something completely different and stick to a plan that is going to give you the putting game of your dreams? Think about that…aren’t you sick of your bad putts? Don’t you want to move on and build yourself a great putting game that consistently get’s the ball in the hole?
Take action now. Simply click the “Add To Cart” button below. Then after you’ve successfully processed your order you’ll be directed to a page to personalize this golf school specifically for you and your weakest areas, so you can improve as quickly as possible and in the least amount of time.
Important Note: If you’re not 100% sure whether this online golf school is for you, join anyway and then use the 60 day, 100% money back guarantee if you have to. That’s what it’s there for….to protect you! I’d hate for you to miss out on becoming a consistent golfer because of bad experiences with other inferior golf improvement products.
Look, life is too short to be frustrated with your golf game. The time to take action is now. It’s now your turn to become a consistent golfer once and for all. Start right now so that in your very next game of golf you can improve and keep improving consistently.
This could be the one solution you’ve been looking for to help you become the consistent golfer of your dreams. But you’ll never know if you don’t take action now.
And the fact is..unless you create better habits you’ll always be dreaming about how good a golfer you could be. So stop dreaming and start doing. Take action now and join the online Consistent Golf School and start improving your golf game in just 5 minutes from now!
The choice is now yours. You can follow a proven formula to become a consistent golfer — or you can keep doing what you’ve done up until now and score just like you’ve always done.
I trust you’ll choose the correct path to becoming a consistent golfer. Because you’ve found the one solution to your consistency problems that you’ve been looking for, you just need to take action by clicking here to start your 60 day free trial now.
For Consistent Golf,
Jeff Richmond
Director of Instruction
P.S. When you join this online golf school by clicking the button below it will be processed by ClickBank. They accept all of the major credit cards and ClickBank implement some of the strongest security and anti-fraud strategies available today. So your order is completely secure and safe with them and that’s why I choose them to process my student enrolments.
Once your order has been successfully processed you’ll be forwarded to a secret page where you can customize this golf school just for you! Click this big yellow Add To Cart button now to start improving your golf game…